Python vs Javascript Vs. HTML5 on web

Python vs Javascript Vs. HTML5 on web
Python is an easy, flexible and powerful programming language which can be used as a general purpose programming language (and it's a very good language for web development as well), but in order to become a web developer you must learn several different skills besides python.To create Web resource, the first basic skill you must learn is HTML.

HTML is the markup language of the web. All web pages are created with HTML, which defines the different elements contained in a web page. Then you should learn CSS, which is another little language that defines the way each HTML element looks within a page (its color, the font type, its position on the page, etc). And the third skill you should master to become a complete web developer is javascript.

Javascript is a scripting language, just as python, but it runs within the browser. It is a fundamental part of HTML5 (the newest incarnation of the HTML markup language, which powers all the new applications being written for the web and mobile phones and tablets (iphone, ipad, blackberry, etc...).

HTML + CSS + JAVASCRIPT are different parts of the whole HTML5 platform, and they all work in tandem to create a full web application.

Where does Python fit in?

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Although you can create a full web application with just HTML, CSS and javascript, chances are that your application will need to access data stored in a server, most likely a database. That means that you will have to write code that will be run in a remote server rather than in the browser.

The server side is different than thebrowser (or client side). In the client side you only have one option: javascript. On the other hand, you can use any imaginable language on the server side. People use php, java, ruby, python, c#, etc...

Python will let you talk to the database or datastore, perform

queries, retrieve information and format the output to your web page. Python is used over many gadgets including Network switches, routers, firewalls, IDS/IPS, Many Digital sensors,
automobiles and almost everywhere that you can imagine!! Is it possible to forget about javascript and write your whole application in python? Yes, and many web sites work this way. But you would be limiting yourself (and your website usability).

Think about it:

Code written in javascript runs in your browser (it doesn't need to comunicate with a distant server and wait for the response) hence, its faster, and the user experience is better. That's why the new HTML5 web applications feel more and more like desktop applications.

Applications written entirely in javascript with that talk directly to the database are known as Ajax applications. But code written on the server side may give you more security and scalability, so both sides should be mastered to become a competent web developer.

Tags:algorithms, Coding, html python, html5 python, Java Script, Python vs, Python vs Javascript Vs. HTML5 on web, python vs. html5, 

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